Last Performance of SKIN FLESH BONE, tonight!!!

For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, tonight is your last chance to see this exciting new show from Going to Tahiti Productions. Join us in Long Island City (a 15 minute subway ride from Midtown) at 8pm. Tickets are available at the box office door. For more details, check out:

See you tonight at the show!!!!

Sad news for the SKIN FLESH BONE family…

Last weekend, Laura Bultman, our beloved Stage Manager, suddenly lost her grandmother. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Laura as she heads to Guatemala for the funeral. Laura is such an instrumental force in Going to Tahiti Productions and her absence for these few performances will be acutely felt. I will do my best to perform her duties in her absence, but know I can’t come close to filling her shoes. I apologize in advance for missed or late light and sound cues and want it known that they are my mistakes and not hers.

Travel safe, Laura! We love you and look forward to your return!

“It’s better than SPIDERMAN!”

SKIN FLESH BONE has opened and the audiences loves it. One attendee saw SPIDERMAN THE MUSICAL the night before and preferred the characters, the script, the performances, the set, the sound design, and the costumes of SFB to that other little show that recently opened in this big bad town.

Laurel Lockhart in a scene from SKIN FLESH BONE











SFB Performances continue through June 25th. For details go to:



or by calling Ovationtix at 866-811-4111.

David Eiduks* and Maria Silverman* in a scene from SKIN FLESH BONE

Performances are:

Thursday, 6/16 at 8pm

Friday, 6/17 at 8pm

Saturday, 6/18 at 2pm

Saturday, 6/18 at 8pm

Sunday, 6/19 at 2pm

Sunday, 6/19 at 8pm

Tuesday, 6/21 at 8pm

Wednesday, 6/22 at 8pm

Thursday, 6/23 at 8pm

Friday, 6/24 at 8pm

Saturday, 6/25 at 8pm


Kiwi Callahan and Gavin Alexander Hammon in a scene from SKIN FLESH BONE





It’s time to play the music…It’s time to light the lights…

The set is up, the lights are on, the sound cues are loaded and the actors are ready to go! That must mean it’s opening night. Join us tonight at the Secret Theatre for opening night of SKIN FLESH BONE.

As a special bonus, immediately after the performance tonight there will be a talkback with members of the cast and crew.

For details and tickets click here

Day Two if Tech

So the wall is up, one coat of paint is on and the island is built. A huge thank you to EVERYONE who showed up early and stayed late. Off to day two, where we will hopefully get through two run throughs.

LOAD IN!!!!!

In about an hour, we will start the SKIN FLESH BONE Load In. We’ll be bringing all of our stuff in to The Secret and we’ll start construction of the sets. Today we’ll spend the day getting settled into the place that will be our home for the next two weeks. It should be a busy few days of set construction, sound engineering, lighting the stage, costume prepping, set painting and general tech madness. I remember tech week for high school drama club being insanity. It’s no less insane at the professional level but it definitely seems to have shortened. Now, instead of a full week of hell week, we get a hell four days. It should be quite the experience. And, really, seeing as hell week is one of the reasons we all do this theater thing, can you really call it hell week? Perhaps it should be renamed to “Incredibly Stressful But You Know We Love It” Week.

Anyway, time to put on my paintin’ pants – let the tech insanity BEGIN!

ROCKETHUB Campaign comes to an end.

So the ROCKETHUB Campaign has ended. :( But don’t feel that means you can’t still support GTTP and SKIN FLESH BONE. If you didn’t get a chance to support us on ROCKETHUB but would still like to donate, just click the DONATE tab above for directions on how to contribute to Going to Tahiti Productions. And, to everyone who has contributed already:



Although we didn’t quite make our goal, it was still an incredibly successful campaign. Raising several thousand dollars in a month’s time is no small feat and we REALLY APPRECIATE everyone who joined our little SKIN FLESH BONE family. We hope you enjoyed the little behind the scenes updates on the RH blog and hope you will make it to The Secret Theatre, starting WEDNESDAY, for the 12 performance run of SKIN FLESH BONE!!! For everyone who donated, we will be contacting you shortly with details about your rewards. Thank you again.

With your support GTTP will continue to bring you exciting and innovative independent theater!

Lots of Updates on ROCKETHUB

Check out our ROCKETHUB site: for lots of updates. We’ve got the trailer up on the site and guest blog entries from new people every day this week. Take a look and while you’re there, feel free to become a fueler!



So, we did a little video preview for SKIN FLESH BONE. Check it out here:

And, while you’re there feel free to become a fueler!

ONLY 9 DAYS LEFT for us to hit our goal and for you to get in on the behind the scenes SKIN FLESH BONE action!!!

The show is blocked…

So, on Friday we finished blocking the show. Granted it’s just a first pass and everything I’m sure will change during the next week and a half of scene work, but at least we have a rough framwork on which to build the show and the actors have rough blocking they can use when memorizing (which I’m thinking they spent some time doing during this 3 day weekend). Tomorrow we dive in with scene work though the first two hours of rehearsal will be dedicated to recording voiceovers for the show and shooting elements of a trailer we’re putting together. That’s right, you heard me, we’re putting together a little trailer! Yeah, I love me some previews. But again, as is my tendency, I digress – as soon as those things are done, we’ll be up to our ears in scene work. My favorite part. :)

Blocking almost done…

The blocking rehearsals are almost done and then we move on to scene work. Hopefully we’ll crank out the last 20 pages today and then we get a break for Memorial Day weekend (during which we humbly ask that you Drink (water) to Tahiti! You know that 8th beer/wine/cocktail you were going to have? We ask you instead to consider using that $10 to fuel SKIN FLESH BONE, at RocketHub: But I digress, where was I? Right. Blocking. So, blocking should be finished today (except for a few short scenes). Next week: Scene Work! Below David Eiduks and Maria Silverman work out a scene from SKIN FLESH BONE…


18 down 57 to go…pages that is…

It’s amazing the freedom you have when you finally secure a set designer. I had a meeting with the set designer over the weekend, and, after meeting with him, I finally have a pretty good idea of what our set will look like. Thanks to that, we’ve started blocking the show and after 1 rehearsal we’ve gotten through the first 18 pages. Today we’ll continue with more of the same (actually, who am I kidding, for the next week we’ll continue with more of the same) and hopefully, by next week, the show will be completely blocked.

In other production news, we’re in the process of gathering props and costumes. Although this show is less difficult than DREAMERS OF THE DAY was (in other words we don’t need to find a vintage 1918 cigarette case or the exact type of robes that Lawrence of Arabia would have worn), I’m discovering that the sheer number of props for this show could get a leetle bit crazy. Seeing as our stage manager is also of our props master, I would like to apologize here, in writing, to Laura. Sorry. And I love you. AND You’re awesome.

One Week Down…

First week of rehearsals has come to an end. It’s been a great week of table work. We’ll probably continue more of the same for another couple of days and then we’re on to the blocking. Of course, before blocking can begin in earnest we’ll need a set design. It looks like we may have found a designer though, so the chances of actually having a set design are looking up.

In the meantime, our RocketHub campaign continues. Be sure to stop on by our page and get in on the behind the scenes action. Join the SKIN FLESH BONE family here:

On another note, for anyone who didn’t see it on our main page, tickets for SKIN FLESH BONE are now on sale. You can get tickets here:, on our home page, or on our events calendar page.

Postcards are being designed and printed even as we speak and the marketing blitz is about to begin!

And we’re off…

On Wednesday the actors gathered…










The script was read…










And, the snacks were consumed…










SKIN FLESH BONE is off to a great start!!!


Have you always wanted to be a part of a NEW YORK CITY theater production?

Have you dreamed of having signed programs, or exclusive backstage videoblogs of a show coming together?

Well you are in luck my friend because GTTP has partnered with to give everyone a chance to get in on the action. For the next 30 days, you can get in on backstage access to SKIN FLESH BONE! Be a part of the project and get exclusive rewards available only to our fuelers. There are rewards for all levels of contribution! There’s also a blog with a production diary from members of the cast and crew. As we move through rehearsals, there will be exclusive content on the RocketHub blog. Checkout the details at:

Be a part of the SKIN FLESH BONE experience! The more the merrier, feel free to re-post the link to your friends!

As I’m sure you saw on our home page – GTTP has chosen our next show. This exciting original script, written by yours truly’s insanely talented sister, Camilla Ammirati, will get its first NYC performance run with Going to Tahiti Productions. Pending AEA showcase approval, the show will open at The Secret Theatre in Long Island City, NY on June 15th and run for 2 weeks. Tickets will be available soon, but in the meantime, mark your calendars and keep an eye out on our blog here for production updates as we get into it. For those of you just dying to know, “but what’s going on right this second in tahiti-land?” I can tell you that we have spent the last two weeks making some revisions to the script, filing all the necessary production paperwork with Actors’ Equity Association and securing our performance space at the secret theatre. In other words, it’s been a whirlwind two weeks. More production updates to come!!!

Load In…

We’re loading DREAMERS in to the Roy Arias Studios and Theatres even as we speak! There was a moment of panic this morning when we initially couldn’t get into the theater but we’re in now. Set construction is almost done. Sound cues are loaded, projections are getting worked out now. To get tickets for DREAMERS OF THE DAY, click here or go to

Dreamers of the Day Has Opened!!!!

Dreamers of the Day has officially opened for a limited run at Roy Arias Studios and Theatres at the Times Square Arts Center, 300 West 43rd Street, NYC.

Only 11 performances left!!!

Get tickets now at or call 866-811-4111.

End of Week Two . . .

Almost two weeks of rehearsal under our belts and the show is shaping up nicely. I don’t really have much else to say except that I love my cast. They are gelling nicely with each other and the ensemble is just a fun talented group to be a part of. We have our first movement rehearsal on Sunday…Dana will be teaching the cast to ride camels. It should be great fun. The only thing I’m worried about is getting the camels into the rehearsal studio. :)

We Have A Cast!!!

So the show has been cast and we have officially begun rehearsals!!!!

The full cast assembled today for the first time and we had our first Read Through. It went very well…though we didn’t actually get through the whole script – clearly someone is going to need to cut another 20 pages…BUT, the reading went great!!! It was so exciting to hear Mary’s beautiful words coming out of the mouths of actors instead of out of my mouth talking to my reflection in a mirror and trying to figure out if this show is going to work. Having heard actual actors, and really talented ones at that, actually start to play around with the characters and bring something of themselves to the show…it was thrilling…it was, it is- what I live for and, I can tell you now, this show is going to work…and this was only the first day!!! I can’t wait to see what happens when we really start to play with the script, with movement, with tech and design elements. I’m hoping to post some cast info – headshots and bios on the website soon. Keep an eye out for updates. AND, I promise, I will try to update the blog regularly throughout this rehearsal process, but for now, I’m hitting the hay.