It’s amazing the freedom you have when you finally secure a set designer. I had a meeting with the set designer over the weekend, and, after meeting with him, I finally have a pretty good idea of what our set will look like. Thanks to that, we’ve started blocking the show and after 1 rehearsal we’ve gotten through the first 18 pages. Today we’ll continue with more of the same (actually, who am I kidding, for the next week we’ll continue with more of the same) and hopefully, by next week, the show will be completely blocked.
In other production news, we’re in the process of gathering props and costumes. Although this show is less difficult than DREAMERS OF THE DAY was (in other words we don’t need to find a vintage 1918 cigarette case or the exact type of robes that Lawrence of Arabia would have worn), I’m discovering that the sheer number of props for this show could get a leetle bit crazy. Seeing as our stage manager is also of our props master, I would like to apologize here, in writing, to Laura. Sorry. And I love you. AND You’re awesome.