In about an hour, we will start the SKIN FLESH BONE Load In. We’ll be bringing all of our stuff in to The Secret and we’ll start construction of the sets. Today we’ll spend the day getting settled into the place that will be our home for the next two weeks. It should be a busy few days of set construction, sound engineering, lighting the stage, costume prepping, set painting and general tech madness. I remember tech week for high school drama club being insanity. It’s no less insane at the professional level but it definitely seems to have shortened. Now, instead of a full week of hell week, we get a hell four days. It should be quite the experience. And, really, seeing as hell week is one of the reasons we all do this theater thing, can you really call it hell week? Perhaps it should be renamed to “Incredibly Stressful But You Know We Love It” Week.
Anyway, time to put on my paintin’ pants – let the tech insanity BEGIN!